George Hinman
- Ext. 2064105563
George Hinman
- 2064105563
George came to UPC in 2008 already in love with the Pacific Northwest. Although his earliest childhood memories were of being covered in saltwater, lashed to the high side of a sailboat, racing on San Francisco bay, his fondest memories come from summer camp sailing in the San Juan Islands. The best thing about George is his wife Ann, who has put up with him for over a quarter century. Together they’ve been raised by three wonderful children, Harvey, Will, and Phebe, who by now have done all they can and moved on to bigger things.
George believes in grace. The apostle Paul considered himself ‘chief among sinners,’ but that’s just because he hadn’t met George. It’s been the presence and faithfulness of a gracious God that means the world to George and gives him hope for the world… “Christ in me is the hope of glory.” George is passionate about university students and community, followers of Jesus living kingdom life together. George has served with Cru in New England, as a chaplain at M.I.T., and as pastor of discipleship at Bel Air Presbyterian Church in L.A. Although he’s a UW Husky wannabe, George makes do with a little schooling from Brown University and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. George loves to hang out in coffee shops with friends, reading or pretending to drink coffee (which he doesn’t), but you’ll see him just as often riding a bicycle on the Burke-Gilman trail. He loves fly-fishing, skiing, putzing in the garden, and any sport that allows him to win by trash talking.