UPC has a church-wide movement to read through the Bible and participate in weekly discussion groups. To promote Bible reading and reflection, this class will use the Immerse Reading Bible. The Immerse Reading Bible is a six-volume Bible using the New Living Translation, created with the intention of increasing readability and improving the Bible reading experience.
Chronicles is the sixth and final installment in Immerse: The Bible Reading Experience. Chronicles contains the remaining First Testament Books: Chronicles–Ezra–Nehemiah, Esther, and Daniel. These works were all written after the Jewish people fell under the control of foreign empires and were scattered among the nations. They remind God’s chastened people of their identity and calling to faithfully represent God to the nations and that there is still hope for the struggling dynasty of David. Participants read about 35 pages each week. Discussion groups meet weekly. New participants are always welcome.
Immerse Chronicles Bibles are available for $10.00 (cash, check, or PushPay) in the Lobby on Sunday, Feb 4th and Sunday, Feb 11th. Immerse Chronicles will be an 8-week Bible study from February 18th through April 14th with a one week break for Easter.