
See What’s Happening at University Presbyterian Church


Event Series Word On Sunday

Word On Sunday

Calvin Lounge 4540 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United States

The Gospel of John: Join us as we explore the poetic tapestry & complex argument John presents "so that you may believe...and...have life in His name." John 20:31 Sundays: 9:45…

Event Series Kindergarten Milestone

Kindergarten Milestone

Room 315

Why do we pray? How do we pray? What does God tell us about prayer? Parents, sign up with your kindergartener and participate together, discovering more about prayer and the meaning behind the Lord’s…

High School Dinner & Games

9th - 12th Grade Join us for dinner games at The Hinman's Home! We will enjoy good food, great company and plenty of games. Don't miss out on this chance…